Thursday, October 4, 2012

Young Womens WMU

Hello Ladies!

I hope that you are having a great week!  This is my favorite time of the year FALL!  We had a great time at our first young ladies wmu get together at Eva Dinions home.  Thank you Eva for hosting.  We talked about ideas for future gatherings as well as community service projects for us to do as a group.  I will be sending out a e-mail on the full details.  

This group is for women that are in the busy season of life.  Taking care of children, the mother of teenagers/young adults, the working woman, have husbands that are gone alot, etc .... Have children/husband or not we want you in our group!  We have crazy hectic fun-filled lives and sometimes need someone to talk to about it that knows what we are feeling or going through.  Need to vent, need to cry, need to laugh, need encouragement this is what we are here for!

If you would like to join our group please e-mail me at and please put Young Womens WMU in the subject line. 

Jessica Edwards

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